Male to female (MTF) transgender-identifying physician Rachel Levine began to climb the political ladder only after his 2011 “transition.” Assuming a female identity requires accessories like medical services, costumes and public support. After more than a decade of cultural grooming, the climate was ripe for this strange event and opportunities once unforeseen were afforded to this man claiming womanhood. Then, “like manna from above,” Levine claims in a transgender and medicine workshop, he got a call from then PA Governor Tom Wolf. He would soon assume the office of PA Physician General from 2015-2017 after a career in pediatrics and academic medicine.
In 2016, during his time in service to the state, Levine spoke at The Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine’s (PCOM’s) first transgender medicine symposium. “Gender identity is up here, not down there,” are words he was reported to say at the time. The need for more PA providers, transgender medicine for pediatrics and teens, HIV and cancer rates, safe zones, and encouraging “transgender” physicians into practice also made print. These are industry talking points and not unique to this man in drag. The remedy for these ills is always more patients and more industry. Never mind the industry is woven from lies and is wholly unnecessary and harmful.
Levine would next serve as secretary of the PA Department of Health from 2017-2021. Injecting PA with top-down campaigns pushing the novel synthetic sex industry (aka “transgender” medicine) has been a key focus of his time in office. The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) now lists PA as “solidifying equality” in their State Equality Index, the second highest mark.
In 2021 Levine, would climb another rung in the political ladder becoming the US Assistant Secretary of Health where he continues offending man’s truth. Levine is golden for orchestrators of these times. Never mind he is a man in costume, sexual fetishes are ripe among his kind, and a nation’s youth are his victims.
Movers and Shakers of Industry
Where there is Rachel Levine, can often be found other movers and shakers of the synthetic sex industry. MTF physician, A.C. Demidont, PCOM transgender symposium co-chair, college alumni, and fellow presenter fits the bill. At the time of the symposium Demidont was the director of transgender medicine at Circle Care in Norwalk, CT, a non-profit clinic founded in 2011 to treat HIV, AIDS, and STDs. Like all such clinics, patients confused about their sex are growing among their captured ranks.

The year Levine and Demidont gathered for the transgender symposium, Demidont co-founded Anchor Health Initiative (AHI) in Stamford, adding the second dedicated LGBTQ clinic to CT’s count. His role would be Chief Medical Officer. Demidont is to CT what Levine is to PA. CT holds an HRC State Equity Index score that reads, “working towards innovative equality,” the highest designation possible.
Healthcare Model
Demidont’s former employer, Callen-Lorde Health Center in NYC has served as a model for AHI. With a 50-year history of service to the prevailing counterculture, St. Mark’s Clinic was opened in 1969. The AIDS crisis brought new funding and expansion with various organizations forming the Michael Callen-Audre Lorde Health Center in the late 90s. By the turn of the century the counterculture had morphed from LGB to LGBTQ+ incorporating the inclusion of males with a sexual obsession to inhabit womanhood. Today the age of “transgender” medical victims spirals downward as youth, male and female, are indoctrinated by “gender ideology” thanks to the propaganda arm of an industry. The prevailing theme for Callen-Lorde, AHI, and clinics of this flavor is “healthcare for queer people by queer people.” Join the club. Anybody can be queer.
A Media’s Role
Propaganda pieces would soon appear after AHI’s opening. In 2018 the Stamford Advocate offered the headline, “New Stamford LGBTQ clinic offers lifeline.” In the article a couple claims the state was almost devoid of care when they sought help for their 11-year-old “daughter.” The child though was a boy and the boy’s confusion is never addressed. Praise is instead showered upon Demidont who is featured in a feminine blouse, coiffed hair (a wig perhaps), and wide grin looking like nothing other than a man putting on a show.

Demidont’s photoshoot can be attributed to Hearst CT Media Group, owner of the Stamford Advocate and a dozen other outlets in the state. Hearst Communications is the parent company with a long history of yellow journalism. Today their publications are littered with LGBTQ+ propaganda.
In 2018 Demidont partook in a Hearst media event after the Stamford screening of the 2017 French docudrama, “BPM (Beats Per Minute),” about the AIDS activist group ACT UP. Demidont was the “HIV/AIDS specialist” chosen for a question and answer with a Hearst journalist. This is a world where lines blur between grassroots organizations and industry, and truth is obscured. One thing that cannot be denied is that industry goods and services are always part of the solution and often at a cost to human health.
CT NBC news featured another confused young man who sought “care” at Anchor Health. “For years she [sic] endured gender dysphoria, giving a mismatch between her [sic] sex birth and gender identity,” are industry talking points that spew from the mouths of a captured media. The young man discussed could use genuine care but that will not happen at AHI. Twenty years ago this horror show was unheard of. Pieces like these now litter CT media and media all over America. An industry blossoms. Youth are harmed.
In 2011 NBC was acquired by Comcast, a global media and technology conglomerate. In 1997 Bill Gates invested one billion dollars in Comcast as it advanced in the internet era. The following year in 1998 Will & Grace aired. In Comcast’s own words, “[The show] was critical to changing hearts, minds, and the American culture about LGBTQ equality.” In 2014 NBC Universal would receive broadcasting rights to the Olympics until 2032. Can the spectacle of this past summer games have anything to do with this?

Double Take
Do not be fooled by Demidont’s photoshoot for the Stamford Advocate. In 2019 AHI and New Haven Pride hosted an LGBTQ workshop by Demidont and a Mr. Leather CT winner titled, “Approaching Uranus: What’s up with your Butt.” Sex toys are flaunted for the event. Demidont has won a leather competition himself, winning Mr.Eagle NYC in 2012 and going on to win runner up later that year at International Mr. Leather. An article from the time quotes Demidont sharing his favorite gear, his “red leather jock strap with the zipper in front,” and his, “leather surgical mask.”
There are females in the synthetic sex industry too, but intact males play a starring role. History shows many have sexual perversions. They collect paychecks for indoctrinating the world’s youth in a subculture of sex, drugs, and surgeries. This is not healthcare.

LGBTQ Community Centers
That Demidont presented his disturbing workshop at New Haven Pride Center is no surprise. The connections and funding of this unbecoming lifestyle campaign are massive. Every part is connected making a well-oiled machine seducing youth. New Haven Pride is one of three such centers in CT alongside Triangle Community Center in Norwalk and Yale LGTBQ Center, sitting a few blocks from the New Haven center. These centers are among hundreds of international LGBTQ centers and organizations that belong to the 30-year-old nonprofit CenterLink.
Youth programming at these centers includes peer mentoring programs where youth ages 16-24 are connected with LGBTQ+ friendly 17-40 year olds. Any CT youth can sign up but CT Department of Children and Families can make referrals too.
The Drugs
By 2019 AHI would go on to receive a grant from the state of CT for HIV prevention. This should not be a surprise either. Yale has much more than an LGBTQ community center. As early as 2018 Demidont was a member of Yale’s Center for Interdisciplinary Research on AIDS (CIRA). This organization was founded in 1997 as a response to the HIV/AIDS crisis.

According to his Yale biography, Demidont is a member of WPATH, a member of the New England HIV Implementation Science Network, and an assistant clinical professor at Quinnipac University’s medical school. There he serves patients as young as 13, has a “strong STI and HIV prevention mission,” and helps patients secure legal documents and connect to gender affirming surgeons.
The physician digital networking service Doximity, provides other clues. Using the medical acronym AMAB, for “assigned male at birth,” Demidont calls himself a “transfeminine identifying, androgynously expressing, Queer Radical Witch.” Maybe 13-year-old children should not be anywhere near this man?
Of no concern to the state of CT, Yale, AHI, or any of the organizations in which Demidont is involved are controversies surrounding HIV and AIDS and the drugs used in treatment (consider the Truvada lawsuits), concerns about WPATH, the growing dissent on gender-affirming care, the rising numbers of desisters and detransitioners, the growing lawsuits, the sexual proclivities that prevail in the industry, or actual concern for human health.
On site at AHI is a pharmacy that opened in 2019. The annual growth of the sex reassignment hormone therapy market is estimated to increase by 4% from 2020 to 2030 for 1.6B in revenue. Puberty blockers, HIV medications, SSRIs, and the repertoire of other often accompanying drugs are not accounted for. What about the lab work required to be a “trans” patient? What about the drugs that soon flow when these patients fall ill as they are sure to do?

Job Promotion: Pharma Industry Insider
In 2022 Demidont left his position at AHI to take on a role in the pharmaceutical industry. He is now the Principal Medical Scientist for HIV Prevention for Gilead Sciences, Inc for New England and upstate NY. With hands in many pies, Demidont is a perfect employee for industry goals.
Gilead’s antiviral drug repertoire includes over a dozen HIV drugs that are marketed to the LGBTQ population. Among them is Truvada, a drug at the center of attention in the 2024 book, The Truvada and PrEP Disaster, for the harm it causes patients.
Demidont is also a member of CT’s Getting to Zero commission established in 2017 claiming to be about reducing HIV infections. CIRA though appears more like a forever Yale establishment and “getting to zero” like a fear campaign and unlikely goal given industry spin. Pushing harmful HIV drugs to unsuspecting and even healthy populations seems closer to the agenda.
AHI is now soliciting for research participants in a Gilead investigational drug trial. The requirements are male or female, age 16 and up, and active in “receptive anal sex.” AHI also solicits for Yale studies.
Demidont also lectures on HIV prevention for the CT Department of Health and others. Could it be any more obvious the pharmaceutical industry has a heavy hand in Demidont’s successful business ventures?
Enter Cigna
Things get even more interesting in 2023. Before proceeding remember that Synthetic Sex Insurance coverage has an interesting past in San Francisco. The simultaneous build-up of other healthcare programs like HIV/AIDS and artificial reproduction might have precluded the inevitable coverage for “care” that is harmful. Also remember that Cigna had established a Synthetic Sex Candidate for the Technocracy when Renee McLaughlin became the National Director of Transgender Health around 2014.
The focus on collecting social determinants of health (SDOH) and sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) data is now common among major health organizations to meet global health goals in a growing technocracy. In Technocratic Gender Harmony readers learned of efforts by the federal government and industry to collect data for future markets. HL-7’s Gravity Project with its “Gender Harmony” goal is for the concept of “gender” to prevail over sexed reality in digital platforms. Cigna and BlueCross BlueShield are among supporters.
In 2020 Cigna Group rebranded their health services portfolio renaming it Evernorth. Cigna Group now consists of Cigna Healthcare, the health insurance arm, and Evernorth Health Services, a pharmacy, care, and benefits solutions arm. Evernorth is a place where the sexed reality of patients does not matter because industry can provide services. Income generated from Evernorth exceeds that from Cigna’s health insurance arm. Is this where Cigna hits gold at the end of the “transgender” pipeline?

In 2021 Blue Cross Blue Shield launched their National Health Equity Strategy discussed in “Technocratic Gender Harmony” with a focus on data collection. Cigna has a similar program. In 2022 a “next generation health measure” called Evernorth Vitality Index was launched. Efforts to inject gender ideology into everything Cigna does for business growth is ubiquitous. Things like an LGBTQ Healthcare Directory, the ability for physicians to “self-identify,” and LGBTQ+ training have now been established at Cigna.
A few more “gender ideology” efforts are highlighted here but there are many others. Cigna offers services through Freedom Fertility as part of Cigna’s ExpressScipts which they acquired in 2018. Fertility preservation and other services are offered with links provided to LGBTQ+ friendly resources. Evernorth FamilyPath provides access to the largest network of fertility clinics via Progeny, the first company to provide a “smart fertility and family building platform.” Progeny’s “Fertility Facts for Nonbinary and Transgender Individuals” includes information for children who have no viable egg or sperm thanks to the horrors of “transgender” medicine.
And where might these patients come from? Seek care at any number of Cigna providers and youth can be led by “experts,” aka groomed, into the dark world of “transgender” medicine. Health tech start-ups are exploding in the digital world enabling corrupt healthcare to spread like wildfire. Just one example will be highlighted here, but know that Cigna is full of examples.
In 2023 Evernorth’s behavioral health network added Brightline, a national virtual mental health care solution for families. Brightline was founded by Silicon Valley digital health entrepreneurs and is backed by leading investors GV (once Google Ventures), Optum Ventures, Children’s Medical Center Corporation and others. Children’s Medical Center Corporation happens to oversee Children’s Hospital Corporation which includes Boston Children’s Hospital and affiliates. Yes, the place where one of the earliest gender clinics opened in the country in 2007 and the primary pediatric teaching arm of Harvard Medical School. Progeny’s transgender fertility facts mentioned above hails from a network clinic called Boston IVF that is also affiliated with Harvard Medical School.
Brightline therapists affirm LGBTQ+ identities. Brightline also mandates provider training with a platform called Violet for “culturally-competency.” In other words, providers must speak the global one health language of “gender ideology “or working for Brightline is not an option. Brightline is valued at $705M.
Full Circle: Cigna and Anchor Health
In 2006 Cigna joined the UN Global Compact becoming a Global Corporation for Global Causes. Members of the compact strive to meet the UN Sustainable Development Goals and are required to report on annual progress. These goals are designed to increase global power and stakeholder wealth. This comes as a cost to nations and to human health. Sexed reality is out in this gendered paradigm of humanity.
In Cigna’s 2023 ESG report and as part of fulfilling UN SDG 3, “Good Health and Well-Being” (page 96), can be found the following statement:
The Cigna Group Foundation awarded a grant to Anchor Health, Connecticut’s leading health center for the LGBTQ community as well as the state’s largest provider of transgender and gender diverse health care, to support a full-time Psychiatric Advanced Practice Nurse through the Gender and Life-Affirming Medicine (GLAM) program.
In a nutshell Cigna is funding psychiatric care for transgender patients at AHI. In other words, a gender-affirming medical center established by a man who calls himself a “queer radical witch,” who has an affinity for his red leather jockstrap, and who also happens to be a pharmaceutical industry insider, is a recipient of funding by a global corporation who installed a male to female “Synthetic Sex Candidate for the Technocracy.”
This is not “good health and well-being.” This is not healthcare. This is criminal activity. This is also only a tiny part of how far corporate stakeholders have already taken their global synthetic sex agenda.
Breath taking, or should I say breast taking?
I just looked at 'Dr AC Drmidont' s Facebook page. Bizarre doesn't even cover it.