Part of My Story
“My daughter does not have gender dysphoria.” “Not even close.” “It is a scandal.” “Campuses are awash with propaganda.” “Young people are being indoctrinated.” “Everything about this is a lie.” I do not remember what I really said that day. Several years have since passed, but it went something like this. My daughter wanted her breasts removed. I was desperate. The doctors called it medically necessary. I knew better.
On that day I was speaking with the health insurer tasked with approval or denial of coverage for my daughter’s double mastectomy complete with “chest masculinization” procedures. It was not long ago her dad and I had moved her into her dorm room. Suddenly she was - “transgender?” The medical establishment was pushing full throttle ahead to mark her body with signs of an ideology, and we found ourselves in a race against evil. The executive board and the trustees of the insurance company, the doctors, and more - they were put on copy on all correspondence.
It is no wonder my pleas were ignored as I demanded to know why insurers were agreeing to harm young people in the face of obvious lies. There was much I did not know at the time. I did not know about 40-year history behind AIDS or the lies and deceit hidden for decades. I soon learned the business of LGB acronyms is the mothership for the identities that followed. Creating brick and mortar medical programs requires patients in need of care. The AIDS tragedy was created by the numbers. Deceitful disease markers of AIDS are now replaced with fictitious notions of “trans” and, by the numbers, the synthetic sex industry is also being erected. Progressing from a “transgender” patient population easily rounding to zero in the 1970s, to a clinic in just about every academic medical center in the US, would not have been possible without the AIDS paradigm.
I also did not know about the more than 20-year history of insurers actively pursuing “transgender” coverage. Nor did I know the governments role in coordinating the “civil right” to harm fellow humans. Websites to help find synthetic sex coverage come easy as government lies render parents helpless in the face of an industry lusting for the smallest of human bodies. Doctor visits are downright dangerous while money flows from billionaires to NGOs and “transgender” medical programs. NGO partnerships with corporations and governments have enticed insurance providers to cover harm in exchange for business profits. The “transgender” model of man with synthetic sex identities creates markets for so much more.
AIDS and the Era of Medical NGOs
As AIDS ravished the lives of homosexual men in the 1980s, NGOs staked out ground in rescue efforts. Grass root efforts may have stemmed from empathy for the suffering, but the medical industry soon gained influence over NGOs with business plans in mind. Truth seekers were thwarted for dollar signs. The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) and the Gay and Lesbian Medical Association (GLMA) would become two of the largest and most powerful NGOs. They remain so today but with business plans also focused on new horizons - “transgender” medicine.
In 2007 HRC partnered with GLMA to launch the Health Equality Index gathering health industry support for the LGBT cause. The AIDS narrative had evolved. As the story goes, AIDS was caused by a retrovirus known as HIV and was now considered a survivable condition requiring medication to ward off full blown disease. While HIV drugs may be less harmful than AZT and nevirapine used to “treat” AIDS in the early years, harms from HIV drugs are real and those caught up in gender ideology are also target patients for such drugs.
Along with the launch of the Healthcare Equality Index, 2007 also marks the year Pfizer won FDA approval for the first oral HIV antiretroviral, Selzentry. By 2011 Pfizer was partnering with HRC and GLMA in the Health Equality Index. HRC, GLMA, and Pfizer remain a match made in business heaven. Empathy’s role would be relegated to driving supporters into a western-wide allyship for the LGB cause. By the time “transgender” came into focus, the public knew what to do. It was all hands-on deck in support of a new down-and-out identity.
Repositioned nipples and scars replace breasts while scalped arms and synthetic protrusions alter sex organs for the females. Silicone breasts, tracheal shaves, scalpel-sculpted foreheads, and sliced and inverted penises are among offerings for the males. This is to say nothing of the drugs which drive other specialties to manage the harms. Testosterone pellets and pumps can be implanted for drug delivery and another implant can inflate the synthetic protrusion when desire strikes. Infertility must be conquered. Womb transplants, incubated babies and unchartered territories lay beyond the horizon for synthetic man. Patients have no idea as they are glorified by the system orchestrators.
The modern “transgender” program was the rebranding effort of an industry around the elusive concept of “gender identity.” Everyone has one they claim. On that concept, I cry foul. The few academic sex reassignment programs that were shuttered in the 70s would be reimagined by the 1990’s. By the early part of the 21st Century it was clear these programs would stop at nothing for business. As the synthetic sex industry was revving its engines, the corporate structure of hospitals was evolving into large managed care institutions known as Integrated Delivery Systems (IDS). When an ideology like “gender identity” takes root in such a system, it can spread quickly funneling patients into tragic systems of medical harm. Escaping intact can be impossible. Harmed patients though are easy targets for continuous service in novel business pursuits.
Insurance Coverage for Synthetic Sex
In the world of strange happenings, it is helpful to consider the beginnings. Who did what first? When, where, and why? Kaiser Permanente (KP) is at least one of the first US insurers to cover transgender procedures. Risk assessments on medical care coverage is a handy insurance tool, but when insurers also offer synthetic sex services among their repertoire, the risk assessment begins look a little rosier. The risk verses profits profile has led to coverage for harms that are only now coming to light.
San Francisco and Kaiser Permanente
In a world where the lines are increasingly blurred between medicine, politics, and media, it is perhaps San Francisco that is ground zero for “transgender” medicine and where these tactics have been most honed to sell the synthetic sex industry to the public. It is this city where KP is headquartered. KP is one of the largest healthcare systems and the only system to provide care and broad healthcare coverage under both hospital and care clinic settings. San Francisco is also home to KP’s flagship hospital, Oakland Medical Center whose Multi-Speciality Transition Clinic was established in 2013. It is also home to the UCSF Center of Excellence for Transgender Health under which falls UCSF’s AIDS and transgender health programs.
Three groups of entities make up KP. These include the non-profit Kaiser Foundation Health Plan (KFHP), the nonprofit hospital system, and the physician owned for profit Permanente Medical Groups (PMGs). The nonprofit entities provide a tax shelter for the PMGs. The bottom line is that Kaiser’s health plan itself finances the care delivered across its IDS. Employing tens of thousands of health professionals in its 40 hospitals and over 6600 medical facilities throughout 7 states and Washington D.C., it is a place for an ideology to do grave amounts of harm. Recent moves into telehealth make the landscape ever more dangerous.
Kaiser and Insurance for Synthetic Sex
When a Kaiser vice president held the first meeting for LGBT employees in 1992 with an HRC representative as a speaker, was it the start of a business venture? Wrapped under the guise of “civil rights,” KP Pride was born. By 2001 transgender care became a Kaiser add-on benefit and by 2015 transgender care became an employee benefit. Support would seem difficult to come by if consideration were given to patient risk, yet support was had by then Kaiser President Bernard Tyson, actuarial services, and the PMGS.
A Kaiser employee recounting the time is quoted saying:
The epiphany for me in this was how social change can happen when there’s a market, but also, how a market can make social change. Because we were providing the benefit, more providers got qualified to do these surgeries. That made them more available and more affordable. In this process, it was transgender people who knew what they needed for coverage and Kaiser Permanente recognized that we should rely on their knowledge.
That really is an epiphany! Markets and social change have a symbiotic relationship. Growth of one fuels them both. Patient “knowledge” drives medical decisions. Kaiser Permanente has got quite a business going. How many lawsuits might it take to thwart such business plans? What are Kaiser’s business plans?
First let us consider female to male transgender Jamison Green’s patient “knowledge.” This woman claiming manhood would become the first person living with a synthetic sex to ever lead the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH). Green hailed from the SF Bay area, worked on HRCs Business Coalition, and would go on to write policy statements for WPATH Standards of Care 7 in 2011. This person’s “knowledge” was not because of some deep education. Quite the contrary, this person had no clinical training in medicine at all only receiving a PhD in “equalities law” in 2011. The legal strategy to push dangerous medicine is embedded in a supposed “civil right.” Jamison Green, a woman living as a man, who was not a medical professional, also played a role in HRC’s Transgender-Inclusive Health Insurance Research Initiative.
Between 2013 and 2014 Emory University received 450k in NIH grants for a “Cohort study of mortality and morbidity in transgender persons” using VA and Kaiser patients electronic medical records (EMRs) from 2006-2014. This was the first of its kind in the US and was to lay the foundation for full scale studies across the population. Ultimately 6,456 Kaiser “transgender” EMRs would be part of the study which was given the acronym STRONG.
Insurance coverage is not the only thing unique about Kaiser. It was also unique as early adaptors of electronic medical records (EMRs) with a running system by 2010. With little competition to participate in this study and with an acronym like STRONG, could anything go wrong? The results show there were enough adverse events in “mental health status, cardiovascular events, diabetes, HIV and most common cancers” to warrant further study.
Graphs reveal a steady increase in patients during the period studied. In a shocking revelation almost one half of the EMRs were either children (21%) or young adults (22%)! The results also showed a noteworthy male to female ratio shift.
This hardly fits the historical transsexual profile consisting of small numbers of men and even smaller numbers of young boys. Does it appear Kaiser had been busy building their transgender program more than a decade ago? The study showed alarming levels of anxiety, depression, and suicide ideation. Nonetheless, it was business over people and transgender care as an employee benefit pressed on.
A Governments Role
The truth of the matter runs deeper. The city of San Francisco and Kaiser Permanente had a plan by 2001 to consider funding transgender procedures. The city self-funded a pilot program known as “City Plan” based on actuarial estimates of the city’s transgender population and cost of synthetic sex procedures. This pilot project concluded that transgender benefits are insignificant for large health insurance plans. If there is one thing Kaiser was, it was large, and so it was that transgender benefits were deemed an insignificant risk to this insurer.
Initially the surcharges collected from every insured employee more than paid for the few patients seeking synthetic sex services. The state of CA authorized coverage in 2004. By 2006 premiums were removed, coverage was broadened beyond employees, and even travel expenses for services could be covered.
It is no secret that the most dangerous “transgender” bill to date was recently passed in the state of CA making the state a sanctuary for children seeking synthetic sex services in the medical industry. CA Senate Bill 107 Gender-affirming healthcare went into effect in 2023. Democratic Senator from San Francisco Scott Weiner calls his bill “historic”. Senator Wilks, on the other hand, tells parents to flee the state. From a parent who has worked on the earliest legislation brought forth against medicalizing children for lies, know that families will only be only a bit safer should they flee. America is not safe for children today.
Scott Wiener once served on the board of HRC and was elected to the City of San Francisco Board of Supervisors in 2010 after serving as a city attorney since 2002. But it was before this that he lit the match for the insurance industry to begin synthetic sex coverage. It was Scott Wiener who authored the legislation for “transgender” patients covered under the San Francisco healthcare system.
The HIV Connection
There have been a myriad of concerning Wiener bills. In 2016 Wiener secured funding for “Getting to Zero” HIV infections. In 2019 Wiener’s bill to expand access to HIV medications PrEP and PEP was passed allowing pharmacists to distribute these medications without a prescription. Remember these drugs harm and they are not as effective as they claim. Underage? No problem as long as a child is 77 pounds! “Getting to zero” seems an unlikely reality.
The SF Board of Supervisors has a long ago established Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Queer, and Intersex Advisory Committee dating to 1975. In a place where city lampposts needed replacing due to urine corrosion and where sex work, drugs, and crime are prevalent, carved out of the Tenderloin District, sits Compton’s Transgender Cultural District, established in 2017.
What is striking to me is the stark contrast of my world to the one in this district. My world is made up of mostly educated middle class and upper middle class mothers and fathers from all walks of life exposing the dark underworld of a criminal medical cartel ripping young Americans from their biological truth and their familial roots. In this land that has been the subject of a legislator’s sword for decades, I see desperate, sex-addled, and marginalized middle aged men from mostly racial minorities pretending to be women. The AIDS agenda has been festering in this place for decades. No truth can be found.
Lost children from the families I know enjoyed warm homes, loving care, and rich family lives. In my world there were soccer matches, glowing grades, late night sleepovers with giggling girls, and dreams of a double major. These men, who are foreign to my world and reside or partake in this transgender district’s offerings, are blind to Wiener’s capture. And yet it is true considering the STRONG“transgender” EMR data from 2006-2013, that Kaiser was laser focused on this new model of “gender ideology” that would capture youth for a synthetic model of man. He was never fighting for “civil rights.” He is carrying out the task of an industry. The target population is the youth of a country beguiled by lies.
Scott Wiener and Robert Garofalo are men who both who cut their teeth on the AIDS agenda. They have both been instrumental in HRC initiatives. The AIDS agenda groomed in elite academic institutions has bred these men to carry on the transgender torch as the next juggernaut of the LGB agenda.
There is one more similarity worth mentioning regarding these players. They both claim to be HIV positive and take HIV medications. Wiener’s story can be found here. Garofalo’s can be found here. They join the ranks of yet another HIV positive AIDS activist named Peter Staley who cofounded PrEP4All “spearheading the fight for a National PrEP Program to cover the costs of PrEP for the uninsured.” Given the concern for patients on HIV medications, it is paramount to question what is truth and what is fiction.
A New Medical School, Research, and a new Collaboration
In 2020 Kaiser Permanente opened a new medical school. Of course, they are doing gymnastics for “diversity, equity, and inclusion.” In fact, in a coming post readers will learn that a significant number of school administrators and students identify on the LGBTQ spectrum. The “research” these places do is always worthy of a mention and Kaiser’s collaboration with another corporation will enlighten readers to the money at the end of insurance rainbow.
See Technocratic Gender Harmony for a follow up to this post.
This article is so well documented and shocking that it blows my mind. Parents must wake up and realize how the medical system along with public school and other institutions are working together to dismantle human nature, children and families. The warning that children and families are not safe in America which concludes this article, is soberly presented with documentation. And it supports my view as well. As long as the hospitals and insurance companies including Medicaid are covering these treatments, no child is safe - if they go to any "regular" medical doctor. When you go to your "doctor" you should know that the new procedure where you are "checked in" before seeing your doctor, by her/his assistant, with answering questions from a "standard questionnaire" they claim they must fill out before you are seen by a doctor, doesn't mean you have to answer every question! They make it seem as if you do. Especially questions about your mental health. It's all market research, and you are NOT REQUIRED to answer these questions. The assistant is not a doctor. Even with your doctor, be careful of some of the information you give, as all of it is recorded also, and then transcribed into notes.
I'm sounding the alarm in my community to those parents who believe their children are "immune" from this Social Virus. I plan to print and share your article. I'm adding it to my trove of collected research and self-study on this new holocaust spreading over America - which is destroying children and the incoming generations. You show in stark detail just how evil is this system. It's the Nazi horror of Eugenics mixed with Dr,Mengele's experiments in the Auschwitz, gone global. (The doctor of Auschwitz who performed horrible surgeries without anathesia and countless mental and physical experiments on inmates). You have brilliantly delineated the architecture of collusion between a market driven medical system and the twisted ideology of population control: the evil genius of Eugenics. Without awareness of how all medical systems & insurance companies, are operating in collusion to promote Trans, we'll be shocked to witness more devastating effects in our families and on our children and grandchildren.
Fantastic article - keep writing this!