Wow! We only have one body; it's the temple of our soul. I'm so sorry for the loss of your daughter to such a horrifying cult of trans ideology. It's a brilliant and straightforward testimony that I shall share.
This is a very well written article. Thank you so much for all of your work. My daughter took testosterone long enough for her voice to change and to get the facial hair and then she stopped and decided she was non binary. I strongly suspect it was because it dawned on her that she would lose her hair and she wasn’t fully committed along with the fact that her husband probably wouldn’t be a fan either.
Suicide is the reason they give for transing, saying that it saves lives. But this is a slow, painful suicide that lasts for years. They are puppets in the hands of these medical maniacs who do the surgery and prescribe the drugs. It’s not just money that drives it, it’s power, and sometimes it seems that the doctors hate them. Why else would they lure them in to the trap like this ruining their lives. Have there been any investigations into the surgeons and other medical personnel who are responsible for this? Why haven’t these drugs been taken off the market or at least put on a blacklist.
It took over 10 years of lawsuits and petitions to get the FDA to respond to finasteride. I get the sense that in recent years things are just out of control. The FDA seems to have lost control altogether. I do not believe there is a formal investigation into the doctors. What is astounding about the "gender" doctors is the number of them that claim to be "transgender" themselves. They seem to crave making more of them as a sort of validation. It is hard to comprehend.
That’s an interesting comment, that the gender surgeons are creating more trans people. Like Dr Marci Bowers, the famous doctor who butchered Jazz Jennings. So they sterilize themselves and “reproduce” themselves by doing more surgery. This is so sickening.
The suicide reason is a lie. According to the many books I've read by gender clinic whistleblowers, the suicide rate for trans-identifying teens is roughly in line with the rest of their age cohort. It isn't until AFTER medicalization begins that the rates become significantly higher.
Also saw this study showing increased risk of blood clots in testosterone-based drugs for trans men:
I noticed that they call normal men “nontransgender men!” This is crazy.
Wow! We only have one body; it's the temple of our soul. I'm so sorry for the loss of your daughter to such a horrifying cult of trans ideology. It's a brilliant and straightforward testimony that I shall share.
This is a very well written article. Thank you so much for all of your work. My daughter took testosterone long enough for her voice to change and to get the facial hair and then she stopped and decided she was non binary. I strongly suspect it was because it dawned on her that she would lose her hair and she wasn’t fully committed along with the fact that her husband probably wouldn’t be a fan either.
Suicide is the reason they give for transing, saying that it saves lives. But this is a slow, painful suicide that lasts for years. They are puppets in the hands of these medical maniacs who do the surgery and prescribe the drugs. It’s not just money that drives it, it’s power, and sometimes it seems that the doctors hate them. Why else would they lure them in to the trap like this ruining their lives. Have there been any investigations into the surgeons and other medical personnel who are responsible for this? Why haven’t these drugs been taken off the market or at least put on a blacklist.
It took over 10 years of lawsuits and petitions to get the FDA to respond to finasteride. I get the sense that in recent years things are just out of control. The FDA seems to have lost control altogether. I do not believe there is a formal investigation into the doctors. What is astounding about the "gender" doctors is the number of them that claim to be "transgender" themselves. They seem to crave making more of them as a sort of validation. It is hard to comprehend.
That’s an interesting comment, that the gender surgeons are creating more trans people. Like Dr Marci Bowers, the famous doctor who butchered Jazz Jennings. So they sterilize themselves and “reproduce” themselves by doing more surgery. This is so sickening.
I never thought of it as a form of reproduction. But yes, this is fitting and quite sick.
The suicide reason is a lie. According to the many books I've read by gender clinic whistleblowers, the suicide rate for trans-identifying teens is roughly in line with the rest of their age cohort. It isn't until AFTER medicalization begins that the rates become significantly higher.