The technocrats have a plan to usurp the sex binary. “Gender Harmony” is what some call it. It is a plan decades in the making backed by massive funding and an army of organizations. When I interacted with the insurance company charged with approval or denial of my healthy daughter’s sudden request for a double mastectomy, I was not informed of “Gender Harmony” or anything such. Within months of this interaction, my daughter’s breasts were excised and her chest rearranged for a lie. Most insurance companies green light such horrors. It is premeditated criminal activity.
Today my daughter no longer calls herself “trans.” Of course, like every other human on the planet she came into this world one of two sexes and remains so. She is not “trans.” She is female.
Data Mining Venture
“Male, female, or transgender?” All the forms ask today. Click that box! It is what they want. Industry has thrown a fishing line into the digital wilderness and gullible youth and naive families have taken the bait. Of course, after massive “gender” grooming initiatives in culture, education, and healthcare there are clicks - in the wrong box. Click “transgender” and patients and families are in for one heck of a ride.
Spawning “transgender” across digital platforms in healthcare and education does not make “transgender” true but it does make it researchable, teachable, code-able, billable, treatable, contractable, etc. It does not create real “transgender” people but it does create real patients who provide real sources of revenue. In other words it creates a real money maker. Thanks to collaboration between the medical industrial complex, the technology sector, NGOs, and federal and state governments, the transgender lie is very much so alive across digital platforms. This post introduces many of the players providing the overarching structure of the digital capture of the sex binary for the “gender” cause. Warning: there are many players.
An Insurance Connection
Key insurance companies have played starring roles in the decades long “gender” agenda. Synthetic Sex Insurance uncovered the association between Kaiser Permanente, the city of San Francisco, and transgender healthcare coverage since the early 2000s. Kaiser was among three providers with Health Net, and Blue Shield of California all beginning transgender coverage in 2004 after CA state authorization.
In the earlier post readers learned that Kaiser’s move to electronic health records (EMRs) is important to the story. Indeed the Study of Transition, Outcomes and Gender (STRONG) would never have been possible without Kaiser’s early EMR adoption. Emory received millions in NIH grants to study VA and Kaiser patient EMRs from 2006-2014. The rise in transgender identifying patients treated (children included) at these facilities is as clear as day, as are the drugs and procedures used.
Stepping up Data Collection
The Joint Commission accredits most medical organizations and programs in the US, and many internationally. In 2003, a year prior to the CA approval of transgender health care coverage, the commission began researching LGBT health equity. They worked with the Office of Minority Health’s (OMH) National Standards for Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) to compare standards. Established in 1986, OMH’s mission is to improve the health of racial and ethnic minorities through policy. Today focus areas include HIV and social determinants of health (SDOH) where sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) data reside.
In 2010 the Affordable Care Act permitted healthcare access to more Americans and expanded Medicaid. It required the collection of race, sex and other fields, but it also left open the option for HHS to collect additional data. In 2011 the Institute of Medicine (IOM), now the National Academy of Medicine (NAM), recommended the collection of SOGI data in federal surveys. This same year, the Joint Commission published the LGBT Field Guide funded by the California Endowment (Calendow). Also this year the Joint Commission added the requirement for the collection of gender identity data alongside age, sex, race, etc. in patient records. (see EP 29).
Calendow is a non-profit organization started in 1996 that provides grants for social justice and health equity to other NGOs, CA state and local governments, and faith-based organizations. With impact investing and inclusive capitalism as goals, they have provided 3.1B in grants. 12M is earmarked for LGBTQ causes. In 2021 as the earth shifted beneath the feet of citizens during the pandemic, Calendow issued an innovative 300M social bond over 10 years to push initiatives. This is based on social bond theory where attachment, commitment, involvement, and belief create social control. Might money drive social bonds regardless of any of those things?
By 2016 the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) required Federally Qualified Health Centers to collect SOGI data for adult patients.
The Ball is in the Insurers Court
In 2019 Blue Shield of CA Foundation, the foundation arm of one of the insurers providing transgender coverage by 2004, launched the Culture Change Fund (CCF) to push “gender justice” through culture. CA state and national grant-makers have provided more than 10M for the project. CA grant-makers include Calendow, Philanthropy CA, and the Women’s Fund of CA where the project is headquartered. The Culture Change Fund’s first initiative is a project called “Story at Scale” because legislation and policy they say are not enough. This project attempts to “change the way we think and talk about gender.” If before 2019 trans was not in America’s face enough perhaps CCF is part to thank for the post pandemic trans nonsense.
Women’s Fund CA started in 1979 as “feminists for racial, economic, and gender justice.” If this group was ever for women, they have fallen from their mission and today fund female erasure initiatives.
The image below shows CCF’s national funders. Plans are underway to expand the fund to GA and MI. Will Emory serve a role as it did in the STRONG study?
Over the past decade unrecognizable daughters have returned from college with beards and deep voices and sons with budding breasts and long hair. Some have not returned at all. When they do, the mannerisms and clothes they left home with have all but vanished. Serving as placeholders for sons and daughters are robots to an identity often wearing the belongings of other lost souls traded in campus clothing swaps. The new identity might already be carved into human flesh after becoming fast victims to the “gender” scalpel.
BCBS has captured a significant market share of college health insurance plans. Wake Forest University, home to the Wake Wellbeing Collaborative (discussed here) and Duke, an emerging hub for youth gender transitions with a growing Fertility Center, are among 26 NC schools covered by BCBS of NC. The University of CA schools provide two health insurance options. Guess which ones? The options are Kaiser and BCBS plans, both early insurance providers to the trans-identified. Could convincing youth they are “trans” and then offering them services be part of an agenda?
The risk verses benefit profile must look acceptable to insurance agencies to cover sex “reassignment” medicines and surgeries. Suffice it to say for now that LGBTQ+ patients do not get pregnant naturally. An NC BCBS pregnancy app informs that there are special services for LGBTQ parents. A future post will begin to unravel industry offerings for the gender confused.
An Insurance Strategy of Equity
In 2021 BCBS launched the “National Health Equity Strategy.” They say, “Everyone should have access to high-quality health care regardless of race, ethnicity, national origin, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, education level, age, geography, or disability,” (emphasis added). While the first project related to this equity project is geared to maternal/racial health, it is wise to look beyond this. The equity strategy has more to do with information technology, digital identities, EMRs, telehealth, and the like. Collecting and standardizing data is key to guide, monitor, and track patients while offering the keys to markets.
Social drivers of health (SDOH) is a theme that courses throughout the equity initiative. The goal is the system development of data collection. A revolution in healthcare for synthetic sex would not be possible without this.
Digital Gender Harmony
BCBS is a member of Health Level Seven (HL7) an organization started in 1987 whose mission is “to provide standards that empower global health interoperability.” This is about the “exchange, integration, sharing, and retrieval of electronic health information that supports clinical practice and the management, delivery and evaluation of health services.” The organization has over 1600 members in over 50 countries. Members include those in healthcare, academia, government and technology. The CDC and FDA are among them.
As the CCF was being established in 2019, BCBS helped found the HL7 Gravity Project. The Gravity Project’s goal is to “advance and promote equitable health and social care by leading the development and validation of consensus-driven interoperability standards on social determinants of health (SDOH).”
The Gravity Project was initiated by the Social Interventions and Research and Evaluation Network (SIREN) at UCSF. Yes, the institution at the helm of all things LGBTQ+. SIREN was started in 2016 to “improve health and health equity by advancing high quality research on healthcare sector strategies to improve social conditions.”
It is here that Kaiser re-enters the picture. SIREN is supported by Kaiser Permanente and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF). So not only does Kaiser provide health care and healthcare insurance for synthetic sex services, but like BCBS, they are involved in the technology industries promoting the collection of SDOH to data mine confused patients. RWJF is yet another significant grant funding NGO, much like Calendow, that feigns social concerns but works for global initiatives.
Premier members of the Gravity Project include the federal Assistant Secretary for Technology Policy (once known as Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology), major health IT companies Ontada McKesson, Unite US, and Epic, along with insurance companies BCBS, Kaiser, United Healthcare, and others. In-kind members are The American Medical Association (AMA) and CMS.
The title of a Gravity Project article reads, “If we can’t measure a problem, how can we fix it? Creating better data to address SDOH.” This does not quite sum up the big picture. They forget to mention they create the problem first. Then they measure it. They do not mention the use of grooming tactics via education, assessments, AI, apps or bots to nudge people into identities. An explosion of tech companies are filling the demand for data mining and analysis services. Medical backgrounds are not required. Industry uses the data to grow programs.
The Gravity Project has coined their project “Gender Harmony.” Yes, Gender Harmony! Convincing the world of disharmonious bodies and then unleashing tech gurus on the problem will solve nothing but create a sicker society. It will though create loads of business opportunities.
Education Connection
Recent posts have explored initiatives for capturing “gender” data via applications , forms, and mental health assessments in post secondary education. As the leading higher ed coordinating organization in the US, the American Council of Education has played a starring role. Some (ACE) reports focus on the social concerns of minorities and mental health like the one discussed in this post. Others reports stand in stark contrast to these reports. Take for instance the ACE report titled The Education Blockchain Initiative. Are minorities and the mentally distressed useful for building the global economy? The interest seems to reside in capturing identities into a blockchain world where a technocratic future of education and healthcare can feed off citizens.
Unlike the authors of the ACE minority report who claim repressed minoritizied identities, authors Louis Soares and Kerri Lemoie are nothing of the sort. Lemoie runs a technology collaborative called OpenWorks Group offering solutions for digital credentials. She helped found OpenBadges and BadgeChain, groups that explore “the use of decentralized technologies like blockchain for digital credentials.”
Louis Soares past includes work at the Rhode Island Technology Council and the Center for American Progress. He has been at ACE for over 10 years and is now the Chief Learning and Innovation Officer. In 2013 he authored A Manifesto for College Leaders. This is about the restructuring of higher education for the future technocracy based on the theory of disruptive innovations. It seems disrupting the sex binary is part of this agenda.
Federal Evidence
(update: Since President Trump took office in 2025, several of the links in this section are broken. More history on SOGI data collection can be found here. )
In January 2023 the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) and their SOGI and Equitable Data subcommittees released the report Federal Evidence Agenda for LGBTQI+ . This is in response to President Biden’s executive order 14075 in June 2022 professing to maintain the healthcare harms currently underway in gender clinics across the country and to work against any efforts to reign in the harm perpetuated. Of course, this is not how it was presented. It was presented as supporting minorities, suicide prevention and the like. Many Americans are not that stupid.
The Federal Evidence report is a roadmap for “data-driven and measurable SOGI Data Action Plans to help assess, improve, and monitor the health and well-being of LGBTQI+ people.” Subsequent to this the SOGI Data Action Plan (link broken as of early 2025) was released claiming Healthy People 2030 defines “health equity” as “the highest attainment of health for all people." Puberty blockers, cross sex hormones and the excising and restructuring of genitalia sure imbues visions of health, does it not? And for children?
In November of 2023 the U.S. Playbook to Address Social Determinants of Health (link broken as of early 2025) was released. (edit 2025: A news summary of the release can be found here.) HL7’s Gravity project was named a key stakeholder in expanding data gathering and sharing (see page 20). The documents states, “The USCDI [United States Core Data for Interoperability] incorporates information gathered, in part, by the national, collaborative effort known as the Gravity Project which develops consensus-based data standards to improve sharing SDOH data.” The Office of the National Coordinator for Health information Technology (ONC) encourages the HL7 adoption across agencies.
The obsession with data collection for the creation of “gender” goods and services never stops. Also in 2023 BCBS, the National Minority Quality Forum (NMQF) and 17 other organizations formed the Data Equity Coalition. BCBS and NMQF provided the issue brief. Members include the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network, the American Diabetes Association, Mental Health America, the Association of Black Health-system Pharmacists, and the National LGBTQ Taskforce. Yes, organizations that are due to profit from, not healthy people, but people harmed via iatrogenic medicine. Enlarge the image below to see the organizations co-opted for this “gender” data initiative.
The Office of Management Budget overseas the implementation of the executive branch. (Edit 2/24/2025: The above link takes viewers to an “America is Back” message page with an image of the new president). Since 1977 what is known as OMB Directive 15 has been in place to “promote uniformity and comparability for data on race and ethnicity across all federal programs.”
Times have changed since 1977. Race and ethnicity data collection are not enough. After decades of indoctrinating the western world in all things LGBTQ+, what is now needed according to the orchestrators in charge is - SOGI data, of course! It seems these identities have a lot of value in the global economy and the federal government thinks so too. BCBS informs that, “Many racial, ethnic, socioeconomic and LGBTQIA+ communities are underserved and under-represented, and as a result, experience higher rates of diabetes, hypertension, obesity, asthma, heart disease, cancer, and preterm birth.” Of course AIDS and HIV victims have long been used for harmful pharmaceutical sales. Of course medical services for synthetic sex can only render ill health. So in this sense LGBTQ+ does provide global wealth, just not to patients. And of course LGBTQIA+ patients may never experience preterm birth due to details like partner choice and sterilization. They will need extraneous services should they desire children.
Deconstructing the sex binary and creating synthetic sex can only happen with massive data input. Data does not provide evidence of “transgender” people only evidence that operation “gender” is working to the orchestrators goals. It also provides evidence for research, contracts, programs, treatments and the like. In other words it provides financial markets but not because of truth or any inherent value. Removing “transgender” and restoring the sex binary across digital platforms is key. Halting SOGI data collection would begin to lower the numbers of patients getting snagged in the system. It would also work towards creating a healthy population, not a global, dystopian version of “healthy” where humans are only the sum of their body parts and consumers of industry.
Woe. We were warned all the data collection would be problematic, but mostly we saw this in terms of getting more ads in our feed...not this huge and artificial opening up of markets--not just data collection but its collection/ coordination and mgt. This is, indeed, a net.
& meanwhile health indicators get worse and worse every year. In fact you can just walk around and look at people to see how unwell we are. Photos of street scenes from the 1970s look amazing by comparison, just the vigor of ordinary folks.
Young people involved in gender stuff have some of the worst health indices going, physically and mentally, and at their rallies it shows and is heartbreaking.
How can anyone believe the medical industrial complex when they tell us their next big idea is totally for our benefit, promise promise?